10 July, 2017

10 July 2017

Mondays are tough for me. OK. Mornings in general are not my thing. That thing where people wake up at all Maker-forsaken hours to exercise, drink coffee, watch the news, paint a masterpiece, put on make up and somehow look like an adult? Yeah, they disgust me. It's a good morning when I only snooze three time and manage to squeeze in some prayers before running out the door. In the past it hasn't mattered how early I go to bed, what my bed time procedure is, I never wake up easily. 

Microwave scrambled eggs will be my saviour. Darling husband always tries to make me breakfast, but it's usually a bagel. I love bagels. He loves bagels. He is not happy unless he has like 4 carbs on his plate at one time. I mean while am basically turning into a bagel with every delightful carby bite. I plan on giving up carbs over my dead body, but bagels, I have come to admit, need to be an occasional treat, not an every day staple. So this morning was "do you want me to make you a bagel" (I can't so straight out 'no'. . . he's too cute, it would be like kicking a puppy) so I just sweetly said "Can you put 2 eggs in a mason jar for me". Zapped it in the kitchenette at work while I made my coffee. Done, and done.

Also managed to get a good 14 minute walk in before the rain started. Is dodging goose poop considered additional difficulty?

  • Sleep: up often, didn't feel rested, muscles were stiff
    • in bed time: 10:50
    • fell asleep time: 11:20
      • TV was ON until 11:15
      • last caffeine consumed: 9:30ish
    • number of times up through the night: 5, none for the dog
    • Alarm time: 6:45
      • Snoozed: 3 times
  • Food
  • Excercise: 
    • 15 minute walk around office buildings
  • Water:
    • 3.5 large tumblers

Wins for today:
- 14 minute walk!
- dinner was delish - more then likely caloric death, but cooked at home and realatively unprocessed.
- Friends! Horray I have Friends *insert Zoidberg like whooping and clicking of  claws
- left walking shoes in my desk as part of my batcave quest

Goals for tomorrow:
- don't overcook the eggs
- maybe do an apple instead of another mushy bannana - seriously,  I feel about bannanas the way some do about avocados; they are only delicious in the 2 seconds immedieately after they turn the right color and then they are gross.
-Make progress on cleaning up sun room so I can work out in there by Wed.
- don't binge eat all the tacos

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